Central European University

The CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY (CEU) is an internationally recognised, non-state institution of post-graduate education in social sciences and humanities accredited in the United States, Hungary and Austria.

CEU has developed a distinct academic and intellectual focus, combining a comparative study of Europe’s historical, cultural, and social diversity with a global perspective on good governance, sustainable development and social transformation. CEU serves as an academic hub of studying Roma-related issues in Central and Eastern Europe, South East Europe, and in the broader European contexts.

The DEMOCRACY INSTITUTE (DI) is the CEU’s think tank based in Budapest that includes the former CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES (CPS). In the period 2017-2020, the CPS led the pilot project “Roma Civil Monitoring – Capacity building for Roma civil society and  strengthening its involvement in the monitoring of national Roma integration strategies”.

CEU’s Romani Studies Programme (RSP) is an independent academic unit since 2017. RSP aims to engage scholars, policy makers, and activists in interdisciplinary knowledge and debate on Roma identity and movement.

Homepage: https://www.ceu.edu/

ERGO Network

The ERGO Network brings together 28 members from across Europe and supports organisations with a common perspective on Roma grassroots empowerment and equal citizenship, and expresses their concerns and claims in its European advocacy.

The ERGO Network offers its members an effective platform for information provision and exchange on relevant political and policy developments to offer members tools to communicate, network and share expertise among peers and with local policymakers, European officials and European institutions, scientists, journalists. It facilitates capacity building of independent Roma organisations, networks and groups to strengthen the impact of their actions within common programmes and initiatives.

Through its members and allies, the ERGO Network is strongly connected to the grassroots level with Roma organisations, groups and leaders. 

As such, ERGO uniquely bridges the gap between grassroots level and European level by advocating for their members’ interests at European level. 

Homepage: www.ergonetwork.org 

Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

The FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO (FSG) is a Spanish non-profit intercultural organisation whose mission is the integral advancement of the Roma community based on respect and support for their cultural identity, by promoting the access of Roma to rights, services, goods and social resources on an equal footing with the rest of the citizenry.

FSG has two main working lines: from one side, provision of services directly to Roma families, from the other side, it works with the whole of society through advocacy and institutional action, training of stakeholders, technical assistance and capacity-building to some social organisations and local, regional, national and European administrations, awareness-raising activities for the whole of society and target groups, and research and analysis to provide an accurate picture of the situation and living conditions of the Roma population.

Homepage: www.gitanos.org

European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)

The EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTRE (ERRC) is a Roma-led international public interest law organisation working to combat anti-Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma through strategic litigation, research and policy development, advocacy and human rights education.

Since its establishment in 1996, the ERRC has endeavoured to provide Roma with the tools necessary to combat discrimination and achieve equal access to justice, education, housing, health care and public services. The ERRC has been the recipient of numerous awards for its efforts to advance human rights in respect of Roma. The organisation has set in motion more than 500 court cases in 15 countries to bring to justice state and non-state actors who have discriminated against Romani individuals or have committed violence against them. 

Homepage: www.errc.org

Distribution of roles