Roma in Latvia:
According to the Latvian Central Statistical Bureau, in 2018, there were 5,082 Roma living in Latvia, which represents about 0.3 percent of the total population. However, according to unofficial estimates, the Roma community has up to 15,000 people. Despite a lack of fully reliable and comparable data, a gradual decrease in the number of Roma has been observed in recent years, one of the reasons being that Roma have emigrated to foreign countries in search of employment.
Key problems:
In recent years, at the political level, no significant changes in regard to the representation of the Roma interests have taken place. The standard of living and integration of the Roma has somewhat improved; however, a faster and more purposeful solution to the existing problems is being significantly slowed down by the lack of horizontal cooperation within ministries and government institutions. Barriers to the Roma integration in the labour market over the past few years have not decreased, which is the result of the lack of awareness about the impact of positive discrimination on the development of the community and the economic growth of the territory. The activity and willingness to participate in the activities implemented within the state and EU programmes and projects are low.
Latvian Plan for the implementation of the actions of the Roma Strategic Framework 2022-2023 (Ministry of Culture, in Latvian)
Roma Civil Monitor Coordinator:
RCM 2 (2021-2025) reports:
Roma Civil Monitor (2022)Â Civil society monitoring report on the quality of the national strategic framework for Roma equality, inclusion, and participation in Latvia. ENGLISH – LATVIAN
Poster presenting main findings of the report (2022):

RCM 1 (2017-2020) reports:
Roma Civil Monitor (2017) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies in Latvia: Focusing on structural and horizontal preconditions for successful implementation of the strategy. ENGLISH – LATVIAN
Roma Civil Monitor (2018) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Latvia: Assessing the progress in four key policy areas of the strategy ENGLISH – LATVIAN
Roma Civil Monitor (2019) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Latvia: Identifying blind spots in Roma inclusion policy ENGLISH – LATVIAN