Roma in Luxembourg:

There are no official figures for people of Roma origin in Luxembourg, but in 2012, the Council of Europe estimated their number about 300. Most of them came to the country as asylum seekers from the Balkans or Eastern Europe. There are no ethnically disaggregated data available and no self-declared Roma or Roma/pro-Roma civic organisations.

Following the 2011 ‘EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020’, Luxembourg developed an integrated set of measures within broader social inclusion policies for implementing its equivalent of a ‘National Roma Integration Strategy’. But no government reports on its implementation have been publically available. Neither were there any other publicly available monitoring reports or evaluations of the strategy in Luxembourg between 2011 and 2020. 

It has proven impossible for RCM researchers to access any information concerning the Luxembourg government’s response to the European Commission’s call for Member States to submit national strategies for the ‘EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion, and Participation’ by September 2021. Government representatives refused the researcher’s request for an interview. 

Key problems:

Luxembourg has a strong social control which has led to considerably diminished public expression of hate speech. There are many other forms of discrimination, which can go unnoticed because such cases are not reported. Small, marginalised communities, such as Roma, run the risk of being the subject of these forms of discrimination if the reporting tools are inaccessible due to a lack of information or difficulties (language, technical skills, etc.) or if there is no support provided to pursue justice in court. There is a need for an easier and more effective path to denounce discrimination.

RCM 2 (2021-2025) reports:

Roma Civil Monitor (2022) Civil society monitoring report on the quality of the national strategic framework for Roma equality, inclusion, and participation in LuxembourgENGLISH 

RCM 1 (2017-2020) reports:

Roma Civil Monitor (2017) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies in Luxembourg: Focusing on structural and horizontal preconditions for successful implementation of the strategy. ENGLISH

Roma Civil Monitor (2018) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Luxembourg: Assessing the progress in four key policy areas of the strategy. ENGLISH

Roma Civil Monitor (2019) Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Luxembourg: Identifying blind spots in Roma inclusion policy.  ENGLISH

Roma Civil Monitor 2017-2020 country fiche: Luxembourg