The Second National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS II) 2024-2028 has been launched. It aims to create a more inclusive and fair Ireland for Travellers and Roma communities. Developed through extensive consultations, the strategy includes a detailed action plan with substantial commitments from government departments. While it promises progress in employment and health, challenges remain, particularly in addressing accommodation needs. The success of NTRIS II will rely on continued collaboration, adequate resources, and the ability to adapt to emerging issues.
The publication of NTRIS II directly results from lobbying by Traveller organisations and groups working with Roma to develop and implement a comprehensive successor strategy to ensure a strategic, coordinated, whole-of-government approach to Traveller and Roma inclusion.

“Pavee Point commends the work undertaken by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and in particular, Minister Roderic O’Gorman, TD, to lead and steer this process,” said Martin Collins, Co-Director, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.
NTRIS II delivers on a commitment in the Programme for Government (2020), ensuring a more assertive outcomes-focused approach to including Travellers and Roma in Ireland. The strategy’s development is informed by a comprehensive national and regional consultation with Traveller organisations and groups working with Roma. Key government departments and state agencies were actively involved in developing the strategy, with firm commitments to working in partnership.
Strategy and Action Plan
NTRIS II contains nine themes, aligning with the EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion and Participation 2020-30. Each theme has associated strategic outcomes, and there are 80 associated actions included in the Action Plan. In particular, Pavee Point welcomes some significant commitments by departments and agencies:
- The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) is responsible for implementing NTRIS II and several of its actions. The department commits to reviewing the implementation of the Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty, its overall impact on Travellers and Roma, and drawing up recommendations.
- The Department of Social Protection (DSP), along with other government departments involved in enterprise and employment (DCEDIY, DSP, Department of Enterprise, Training, Employment, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Department of Rural and Community Development, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science), commits to delivering on the Programme for Government through the development and implementation of a Traveller and Roma Training, Employment and Enterprise Plan to support, and build upon, the delivery of the strategic outcome and objectives of NTRIS II in the area of employment and enterprise.
- The Department of Health and the HSE commit to developing a Roma Health Action Plan.
- All government departments and all organisations and agencies under their remit commit to cultural awareness training for all staff within three months of employment.
- The Department of Social Protection commits to expanding the Civil Service Traveller and Roma Internship Programme, incorporating lessons from the pilot programme, and exploring pathways to permanent employment.
Accommodation has overall limited actions, and in particular, lacks targeted actions related to Roma accommodation and ending Roma homelessness. “There is a need for stronger action and commitment from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to address Traveller and Roma homelessness and provide culturally appropriate accommodation,” said Collins.
NTRIS II has a stronger implementation structure
Regarding NTRIS II’s potential, Collins said, “The successor Strategy has great potential to deliver positive outcomes for Travellers and Roma in Ireland. We are pleased that the strategy has a strong implementation structure and commitment to partnership. To achieve its ambitious vision for Travellers and Roma inclusion, committed resources must be ensured from DCEDIY and other departments linked to targets and timelines.”
A steering Group chaired by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Inclusion, and Youth will oversee the implementation of NTRIS II. The group will be established before the end of October.
Pavee Point commends positive commitments across departments and agencies concerning a strengthened focus on Roma, with Roma-specific actions across most thematic areas. This includes an action to develop a specific Roma Health Action Plan, for which there is already a Traveller equivalent.
“This is very positive, and something that is badly needed given the poor health outcomes of Roma as identified in the National Roma Needs Assessment. We look forward to working with the Department of Health and HSE on this and ensuring social determinants approach to improving health, as we know racism, discrimination, homelessness, housing, education and employment all have an impact”, said Gabi Muntean, Roma Programme, Pavee Point.

Resources required
Speaking on the capacity of the second NTRIS to evolve and grow in line with needs, Mr Collins said: “NTRIS II is a living document committed to flexibility and agility in line with emerging needs. There are specific areas that require urgent attention, including addressing homelessness, child poverty and climate justice, which are impacting Travellers and Roma on the ground.”
In concluding remarks on the Strategy, Collins added: “2024 has been pivotal in changing the policy landscape to include Travellers and Roma further. The publication of NTRIS II today marks the apex of this landmark year. What is crucial now is that we do not lose impetus and continue to work together to bring about positive change for Travellers and Roma across the country.”
Read more:
National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy II 2024-2028, including the Action Plan and Executive Summary
Pavee Point’s overview of NTRIS
Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Feedback on Draft NTRIS II June 2024
Roma Representatives: Response to the Draft NTRIS June 2024