Roma Civil Monitor – Knowledge bank

Knowledge bank (Download)

This document is a selection of most relevant legislation, policy documents of EU institutions, international organisations and member states, data sources, and civil society and expert papers that may support the preparation of civil society monitoring reports on the implementation of national Roma integration strategies.

The selection includes a section with items of general relevance; five thematic sections, one section on each chapter of the foreseen monitoring reports (governance and overall policy framework, anti-discrimination, addressing antigypsyism, impact of mainstream education policies on Roma, and comprehensive local case studies); and a section with thematic collections of country-specific papers.

The selection aims to gather papers that are most relevant – and that authors of the chapters of the monitoring reports should be aware of –, and that are available online. It doesn’t aim to include all relevant papers, especially papers on very specific issues or on individual countries (besides thematic collections of country-specific papers).

1., General relevance
2., Thematic sections
     2.1., Governance and overall policy framework
     2.2., Anti-discrimination
     2.3., Addressing antigypsyism
     2.4., Impact of mainstream education policies on Roma
     2.5., Comprehensive local case studies
3., Thematic collections of country-specific papers

1., General relevance


Policy documents

Data sources

Civil society papers

2., Thematic sections

 2.1., Governance and overall policy framework


Policy documents

Civil society papers

  2.2., Anti-discrimination


 Policy documents

Civil society papers

 2.3., Addressing antigypsyism

Legislation, documents of legislative bodies

Policy documents

Civil society papers

 2.4., Impact of mainstream education policies on Roma

(for Cluster 1 countries)

Policy documents

Civil society papers

2.5., Comprehensive local case studies

(for Cluster 1 countries)

Policy documents

Civil society papers

3., Thematic collections of country-specific papers

Policy documents

Civil society and expert papers